2017: I retired and delved more full time into fiction-writing, learning its current craft and techniques. 2018: Completed my 900 page off-world para-venture novel; Anthar, Phaeno and the Otherworld, Book IV of my O-World series. 2019: Wrote Book III of O-World series; The Emissary and The Otherworld, for that year’s NANOWRIMO challenge. ‘Emissary’ was a 54,000-word novella that I have since expanded and refined upon to novel length. |
2020: Working backwards in the O-World series, wrote Book I; The Glass Canyon and the Otherworld; again for that year’s NANOWRIMO challenge..
2021: I am currently adding to the length of The Glass Canyon changing it from novella to full novel length as the story arc demands—Book I is the origin story for O-World. In the meantime I have created the storyboard for Book II, The Mentor and the Otherworld. Am also outlining and researching, for a project separate from O-World; The Pices: a novel about a water world, sportsman—as promised gift for my sister, Virginia. Throughout my writing experience I have also produced flash fictions, short stories, poems, and a small collection of haiku: Haiku For the City, as well as philosophic and non-fiction opinion pieces exploring climate change, nature, and a particularly important subject to me; The Solar Cycles of the Sun: Implications for The Future. I have also written several instructional pieces: Deconstructing the Novel, Use of sub-Plots, Notes on Themes in Relation to Story Arc, Use of Loglines for Fiction, Beginning the Story, and ‘Subtle Power’ vs. ‘Super-Heroes’ in Character-Driven vs. Plot-Driven Storytelling.
For heavy-hitting novel writing I use storyboarding and three-ring binders for detailed outlining and research—a process that works well for me. Hope to be published one day.
Have been a member of Underground Writers Unite of Riverside, CA, a novel writing group, where I both attended and presented subjects of interest to fiction writers. I am a member of Mystery Galaxy Writers, Inland Empire Branch California Writers, and others… though, currently I am taking a hiatus from all writer groups to concentrate on finishing my O-World Series.
Victoria’s Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/katherine.begley.16.